"ichi" in Berlin Mitte is a small restaurant with about 10 seats, operated by two couples. You can enjoy your meal around a large wooden table.In addition, we have a separate room, that can be booked in advanced. by interest. (for 2-5 people)
昼 € 20~32 (定食)小鉢、ご飯、汁物、デザートがセットです。
Lunch menu 20-32 € (served with a bowl of miso soup, rice, a side and dessert)
€78 (6 品) 旬の食材を使った月替わりコース料理をご提供しています。
Dinner menu €78 (6 courses).In case of special wishes, for example a kids menu, please inform us when you make your reservation.(No À la carte)
*Bei Speiseallergien informieren Sie bitte unser Servicepersonal.
1 | グルテン Gultenhaltiges Getreide Cereals containing gulten |
2 | 甲殻類 Krebstiere Curstaseans |
3 | 卵 Eier Eggs |
4 | 魚介類 Fisch Fish |
5 | 落花生 Erdnüsse Peanuts |
6 | 大豆 Sojabohnen Soybeans |
7 | 乳製品 Milch und Milchprodukte(einschließlich Laktose) Milk |
8 | ナッツ類 Schalenfrüchte Tree nuts |
9 | セロリ Sellerie Celery |
10 | マスタード Senf Mustard |
11 | ごま Sesamsamen Sesame seeds |
12 | 二酸化硫黄、亜硫酸塩 Schwefeldioxid und Sulfite Sulphur dioxide and sulphites |
13 | ルピナス Lupinen Lupin |
14 | 軟体動物 Weichtiers Molluscs |
A | mit Farbstoff |
B | mit Antioxidationsmittel |
C | Geschmacksverstärker |
D | geschwefelt |
„ichi“ is run by a japanese couple. The chef’s name is Shunichi. He is from Miyazaki which is located in the south of Japan. As a kid, he has always been interested in cooking and it was his future dream, to open his own restaurant abroad. After graduating from a cooking technical college, he has worked for several different restaurants. He loves Hertha BSC as well as this exciting international city. He would like to introduce the cuisine of his hometown to the people in Berlin. Among many Japanese dishes, we offer Chicken Nanban, a local dish from Miyazaki, as a speciality. Due to the meat`s soft texture, we highly recommend you try it.
Opening hours | |
Thu. | till | 12:00 - 15:00 |
Mon. | (13:30 Last reservation) |
Thu. | till | 18:00 - 22:00 |
Mon. | (19:30 Last reservation) |
Holiday | Tuesday and Wednesday |
Direction | Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz U2,Tram M8,Bus142 |
Address | Straßburger Str. 60, 10405 Berlin |